Magical Moonshine Theatre Newsletter

Calendar listings, puppet projects, arts education ramblings; for parents, teachers, and puppet enthusiasts.



Make your own creepy, floaty, graceful ghost marionette!

Inexpensive, easy, fun and creative MASKS you can make from ordinary file folders!


Youtube video of hand puppet Chester showing how to make a ghost costume without choking your Uncle Carl!

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A Ghost Marionette

Click on the above link or image to make a quick, simple ghost marionette out of fabric and cardboard that can float and fly.


Making a Mask out of file folders

Click on the above link or image above to make quick, simple, fun paper masks.

Below: In less than 3 minutes, puppet Chester (humorously) demonstrates how to make a ghost costume for a puppet (using his Uncle Carl as a model!)


Last Note....Friends of Magical Moonshine Theatre who want to help us out by writing up a review on Yelp can do so HERE. You help is greatly appreciated!

Michael & Valerie

PS: Let us know if you have reactions, thoughts, suggestions about our new newsletter format.

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