UNIMA-USA Citation of Excellence
is the highest national award for
excellence in puppetry for the
United States. Little Blue Moon
Theatre is proud and pleased to
accept this award for
"Natalie" and "The
Widow" (which were performed
as a double feature at the Puppet
Rampage National Puppetry
Festival in 2007.) This is the
third "UNI Award" for
the Nelsons, and the first as
Little Blue Moon Theatre.
Panelists said: "Two
stories that take place on a
charming tiny stage. Natalie is
the story of a puppeteer who
strips down in her puppet booth
till one day the wind blows it
away. The Widow is a story about
a risqué widow. Both shows were
a perfect blend of visual, music
and story. Both productions were
extremely playful and beautifully
crafted in every sense."
go to the award webpage click here.