Blue Moon Theatre featured on the
cover of the Preetz Paper Theatre
Festival (Preetz, Germany) review
magazine (review to follow
photos, below)

Festival Celebrates its Coming of
The 19th Preetz Paper Theatre
By Willers Amtrup /Translation by
Renate Lampert
When 18 years ago the first
International Paper Theatre
Festival took place nobody would
have thought what along and
successful life this event would
be having. Now it has come of age
in the 19th festival and is
abundant with vivacity and
enthusiasm. Weven more than
that-I would be easy for me to
just be content with describing
nearly all the performances I saw
as great, setting
aside some petty faultfinding of
someone who could never do it
nearly as well. Such a procedure,
however, would not do justice to
the numerous witty and creative
ideas of individual players and
Mutiny on the Bounty/Natalie
Quite different in its music and
no less convincing was the
performance by Michael and
Valerie Nelson with their Little
Blue Moon Theatre. In last
years festival we had
already enjoyed their
light-hearted racy performances
and this time we saw Mutiny
on the Bounty and
Natalie - both
written and drawn by the two
Nelsons accompanying the play
with their electrifying singing
and ukulele playing. At the
beginning the mutiny has already
taken place, we see the abandoned
boat with Captain Bligh rowing
off under fire from the ship.
Afterwards the mutineers - having
burned their ship in a very
impressive way - stay on a
tropical island where they very
soon fraternize with the
beautiful girls of the island (or
should I better say they
sororize?) They enjoy a relaxed
sunny beach life and in the
course of time they beget so many
children that they have to carry
that heavy load hanging on their
arms. All this is so humorously
shown that the spectators enjoy
it thoroughly. How enjoyable e.g.
the hula dances carried out by
movable figurines where not only
the Polynesian females but also
the mutineers take part - all
clothed in swinging raffia
In the following play
Natalie the
adventures of a puppeteer are
shown. As it is so terribly hot
one day she undresses (inside her
puppet stage), loses her clothes
through a heavy gust of wind and
has to run away naked until the
jacket of a young man covers her
nakedness at least partly. After
she has gotten a strict lecture
from him because of her
foolishness the two become a
couple and in consequence she
becomes famous - sex sells! - as
the naked puppeteer. This little
story full of subtle irony
impresses by its many
funny-risqué details. Best of
all the strict
lecture where we can
only see the naked legs of the
woman behind a folding screen
moving up and down wildly. So
this play is a single great
highly applauded fun where you
sense every minute how much the
players themselves are caught up
in their play.